Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fresh Omelette with Jelly Toast Points #Breakfast #Eggs #Toast

So if your like me, you don't get to go out and eat much and you don't have much time to stop on the way to work to eat. i like to wake up early in the morning and make myself a nice omelette.Nothing says Doug-Licious like a nice fresh Omelette. Early in the morning or late afternoon doesn't matter whenever you feel the crave for an Omelette here is a great recipe for an omelette.


1/2 teaspoon chopped Jalapeno
1 clove chopped Garlic
1/3 cup chopped Onion
1/3 cup chopped Spinach
2 tablespoons Half/Half
1 Egg
1 Slice of Toast
1 teaspoon of canola oil
Salt and pepper to taste 

First. Grab you Japs, Onions, Garlic and spinach and chop those guys up nice and small. Boom! Set them aside. Next crack your egg into a small bowl add your Half/Half, and all of you chopped veggies, scramble that up and set aside. Boom!

   Next Get yourself a non-stick pan hot over medium high heat, add a teaspoon of oil (NOT OLIVE OIL) Olive oil burns very fast. When your oil is hot enough add your eggs to the pan. Now watch carefully as your Eggs start to cook keep a rubber spatula near, gently shake your pan around in a circle and you should see your soon to be omelette free up from the pan and as soon as you see this grab your spatula and flip your eggs like how you would with a pancake. Count to 10  after this fold your omelette in half and plate it up!!! Boom Boom Boom

For your Toast points this is a simple and fun way to eat toast, plus it looks really cool. Drop your slice of bread in the toaster I usually have my toaster setting on about 3-4 I don't really like crunchy toast. When your toast pops up remove the crust yeah take it all off. I feed my crust to the birds in the neighborhood. now with your Toast cleaned up no crust Cut your toast diagonally into long triangles Slap some jelly and then and BOOM BOOM BOOM! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mustard Sauce Doug-Licious baby!

I have made this sauce for years and  I remembered that I had not made it recently, so I decided why not document it and blog about it. I first mad this sauce when I was a butcher way back in the day. It wasn't as good because I didn't use white wine then but I wasn't trained classically yet. None the less This sauce is Doug-Licious especially on Pork!


6 Cloves Garlic

1 Whole White onion sliced
2 Tablespoons Hot Mustard
2 cups Cooking White Wine
3 Cups Chicken/Veggie Stock
3 tablespoons unsalted whole butter
2 tablespoons canola oil
salt/pepper to taste 

First: Clean your garlic, smash them do not cut them, in a medium sauce pot over medium heat add oil when oil heats up add your garlic. when garlic is golden add onions. Cook onions until they are almost clear.
Add white wine bring to a boil and reduce down about 1/3 of the way. Add your stock which ever you chose. BE SURE TO STIR!

Add your Mustard and reduce down till the sauce is thick enough to drip slowly off your spoon. Bubbles in the sauce should be the size of a dime.

Set aside and sauce the hell out of your Protein!!!